Friday, September 26, 2008

Park City

We had a chance to take the kids on another quick trip this weekend. My parents had reservations at a hotel over the weekend in Park City. On Friday night they were kind enough to take Jaden and Tatum with them. They spent the morning riding a tram up the mountain and shopping with grandma. Once we got there that afternoon we went to the swimming pool and spent most of the time in the hot tubs (it was cold in Park City). Then we went to the Alpine Slide. Tatum once again showed us that she does not know what the word fear means. To get to the top of the mountain we had to ride on a ski lift. She thought it was the coolest thing and we had to keep telling her to hold still. Josh held her tight and I held on tight to Jaden. Half way up the mountain he asked why I was holding him so tight. He thought he should be able to move around in the lift. I thought otherwise.
Tatum loved the slide. She kept yelling faster, faster mom. When we would go down the dips she would get the giggles and put her arms in the air like she was on a roller coaster. She was excited because the girls beat the boys down the hill (only because the boys had problems with their cart). It was a blast. Plus we saw all the fall colors in the canyons. It was another fun weekend.

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