Monday, January 5, 2009

Tatum the Sunbeam

For the past week Tatum has been so excited for primary. Every morning she would ask if it was time to go to church and then get upset because it was not Sunday. Her new saying is " No, I can do it myself. I am big now, remember. I am a Sunbeam." She told everyone she knew and even strangers that she was in primary. Saturday we went to Kangaroo Zoo and someone told her she had beautiful hair. Her response was "that's because I am a Sunbeam" (good thing we are in Utah). Saturday morning was her first primary party. It was a pj party to meet their teachers. We told her she had to get her hair done before she went to the party. She ran to the bathroom and got everything out for her hair (remember that it is a daily fight to get hair done.) She was so excited when she got to church that she ran to the primary room and to her chair. On Sunday she could not wait to get to primary, and she thought that she could go herself. We won that battle and we took her to class. Again she ran right back to her seat. She loved every minute of it.

1 comment:

The Ashdowns said...

How exciting! I'm teaching the Sunbeams this year and they are a hoot! Congratulations to Tatum on being a big Primary girl. :)